FINALLY, my dad emailed me pictures from our Chicago trip to visit family in March. It's always nice to get away, but stressful too, because Braeden isn't the best little traveler. My dad always drives, it would be silly for us to come in different vehicles since it's so far away, and if anyone knows how my dad drives well ... you'll understand this (6.5 hour drive)... "We're stopping once for gas, you better pee and get something to eat by the time I am done filling up the tank ... and there is no more stopping... so you're going to have to hold it." HAHA, now he is a Grandpa, and well ... we travel a little differently!
Braeden can pretty much only handle about 3 1/2 hours in the car before he reaches his limit ... which means, traveling all the way to Chicago is not really an option. So we have been traveling one way and staying the night in a hotel (with a pool of course) and then traveling the next day to our destination. This ended up working perfectly this last time and I am lucky because ... I would have had to buy everyone ear plugs if I didn't go as planned :)
Here are just a few pictures from the weekend, I will have to ask my cousin Mandy for a few more of the kids!

Justin is so grown up!! And you look glowing!! How fun!
These are just about the cutest things ever!!! Little man looks just a little unsure of the whole thing..and you look like such a cute little pregnant lady. I love it. Thanks for posting your pics! They're always so good!
Its funny how relaxed parents become once they become grandparents!! My dad was the same way on road trips growing up. He is relaxing in his old age! haha!
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