I gathered a few images and videos from ESPN to share. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget. Mizzou is a school that deserves recognition, and Saturday, they finally got it! Taking down the number one school in the country, beating ALL odds, on national television. Erin Andrews said it best, "If you aren't in Columbia, Missouri right now, what's the matter with you?"
I am SO proud to be a Tiger. It was a party from 3:30 AM Saturday to 6:00 AM Sunday ... we ended up downtown, and we partied in the streets! It was shoulder to shoulder on every block ... absolutely amazing!
Mizzou fans had the LARGEST crowd EVER at College Gameday. The record was 15,000 and Missouri had 18,000 + fans on the quad saturday. It was INSANE!

I think I will finally get around to framing my diploma this week. I still haven't done that since I graduated in 2007 ... but I think it's time.

Your blog is looking adorable!!!
I love Game Day's like this!! Granted, I would've preferred we win Saturday, but you guys totally deserved it. Your post reminds me of when we beat Nebraska in 2000...exact same setting as you talked about. Definitely one of the funnest things I've been a part of. Congrats on a well-deserved win! :)
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