So what's really going on besides work? Well I'll just give you a hint about my past week. Monday ... my car was broken into at my son's DAYCARE and everything was taken, money, etc. Tuesday the docs found a hernia. Wednesday ... whiplash. UGH ...
So what's my game plan? Right now I am focusing on saving my identity. A lot has been compromised, and I am trying to salvage anything I can. Next Month I'll tackle the hernia ... more on that tomorrow. And yes ...I am seeing a great chiropractor for my neck.
Tomorrow cant come soon enough, my mom is coming down to play with the kids so I can get some MUCH needed work done! Thanks Mom!!

1 comment:
Okay, today must be a sucky comment day. I did a post earlier that no one commented on. And I read yours earlier with the intent to come back to it after I worked out, and still no one commented? Let's fix that.
That's so scary! Identity theft is so scary, I hope you get it all situated. I hope you're doing okay with the whiplash and hernia, seems like you've had a crazy week.
Here's hoping for a low key rest of the week, and know that someone in Texas is thinking about you, and hoping for the best!
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