Bayer Turns 7 :: Portrait & Party 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
We'll it's official ... my baby is now SEVEN.  Ugh, where did the time go?  This sweet, incredibly smart boy is such a joy in our lives!  We had so much fun celebrating at his Movie Party this Summer with all of his sweet friends at home - his favorite place to be!

Imhoff Movie House Presents ...


#imhoffboys #baylerturns7 #movieparty

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Pet Relocation said...

Celebrate Bayer’s 7th birthday with a portrait and party to remember in 2016! Join us as we capture the joy and excitement of this milestone with a vibrant celebration. From adorable portrait sessions to fun-filled party activities, this event was all about creating lasting memories. Discover the highlights of Bayer’s special day, featuring beautiful decorations, joyful moments, and candid snapshots. Perfect for families and friends, this celebration set a new standard for birthday parties. Relive the magic and excitement of Bayer turning seven in 2016 with our detailed account and stunning images.

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