{Husband Love}

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Can I just tell you how much I love my husband right now? He has been the sweetest person in the world the last week, and I think it deserves some blog space! For instance, today he worked a full day, traveled the state of Missouri for his job, made progress, and came home around dinner time. All I had to say was that I was in the mood for some really spicy stir-fry ... done! Off he goes to the grocery store and comes home, tells me to hang out with Braeden, and that he will call me when it's done. It was AMAZING! I think of myself as a pretty good chef, but my husband is 10 times better than me. He out did himself tonight, and I just want to thank him for doing those little things for me.

Love you Ryan!

As for those who are wondering, my doctors appointment went really well today. It was only about 5 minutes long, normal for being only 14 weeks along. Everything looked great, and the baby's heart rate was a perfect 150! I won't go again until late February, but I'll keep you posted. Be sure to check out the poll on the right side of the blog, and let me know if you think it will be a boy or a girl :)

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