Here are a few others to feast your eyes upon ...

(Sources: Just a Girl, CB2, Good Housekeeping)
They are extremely simple to make ... which is exacly why I gave it a go!
What You Will Need:
1. Orniments of your choice (make sure they are not too cheap, otherwise, they will fall off. TRUST me on this! :)
2. A wire hanger
3. A ribbon
First you start by taking the wire hanger and straightening it out. After you have worked out all the kinks, you form it into a circle. From there, you litterally just start stringing the ornaments on the wire any way you like. Hold the two ends together and keep stringing until you can't put anymore ornaments on. I then ducted taped it together ... yeah, I did that. Nothing pretty about that, but after you take your pretty ribbon and hang your newly decorated ornament wreath, no one will ever see it!
I'm all about the expensive looking decorations that only cost you a pretty penny!
1 comment:
I still haven't done this and need to get to it soon! Thanks for the tip about the duct tape...I think that will make it easier.
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