I am finalizing our bedroom by doing minor changes. The room before was dark, with green, red and golds. This time, it's bright and airy, and I am bringing in some hints of other colors. Here is a clue ...

(Source: http://www.alkemie.blogspot.com)
Everyone is dog sick in the Imhoff Household. It's aweful! We have a VERY long week ahead of us, so pray we all start to feel better!
Natalie...PLEASE call me if you need help while you are sick! I would LOVE to help out with the kids or bring you soup or something!!! 690-4390 I'm SERIOUS!!! Helping out others is my love language! :)
LOVE the bedroom clue!!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!!!!
OMG I saw that pic and thought it was your room. FREAK OUT for a sec because I KNOW what an awesome designer you are! I can't wait to see the finished product...it's going to look so great, and then you can come here and help me do mine. :)
I just came across your blog while searching for ornament wreaths...it's super-cute and I love your ideas for crafts/decorating! I'm following you now! :)
OMG Natalie....you HAVE to go to this website...
There is a post (I think it's the second one down) called Easy Peasy No Sew Curtains....it's an ADORABLE idea for curtains!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! And I think you will too! :)
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