{BF/GF Play Date}

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Before the cutest mom ever has to go back to work, we decided to get together and have a play date. Melissa has two kids, Madison & Jamesom. We were preggers at the same time with Madison & Bayler, and we were so excited they were boy & girl. Yep, it's official. We have set them for life :) And cute little Jameson was born in May ... and boy is he a good baby. The whole time she just laid there, looked around, never fussed ... precious!

Here are a few pictures from our play date ... please note, I have recently got out of Auto Mode on my camera, so these pictures are less than impressive ... but hey ... I'm trying. {Feel free to give me LOTS of tips :)}



Anonymous said...

I remember venturing to manual mode :) Here's a priceless tip given to to me - when you focus, place your focal point on the subject's eye. You'll get a tack sharp image almost every time [given the approrpriate ISO, shutter speed and aperature]

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