For me, it was my new UGGs. I would NEVER buy them for myself, not in a million years. I just couldn't justify spending that much money on "slippers." Ryan has comfy uggs, Braeden has uggs, Bayler has uggs, and I have always had the knockoff uggs. But this year my In-laws bought me REAL uggs, I couldn't believe it. And they are SOOOOO worth it by the way :)

Ryan got a brand new tool chest - from ME! He has been asking for this for years, and I decided last January that I would buy it next year for him for Christmas, and I am so glad I did. The best part is that I was able to keep it a secret, so he was super surprised Christmas morning!!
Braeden and Bayler got SO many toys for Christmas I am not sure if they have a favorite, but I will say, they have been playing with each other so well, that I have been thankful for all of them :) I also was able to rearrange their entire play room to give them more space to play!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas, I know we did, just spending time with family!

My favorite gift that I received would either be my iPad or my Photoshop! And Terry and I together received two really nice, steel belted coolers which will be fabulous for camping. Happy girl this year!
Hooray and welcome to the Ugg slipper club! :) I got the same ones you pictured but in the funky purple color, from the hubs. They are WONDERFUL and one of my favorite gifts...that and a bright blue Marc Jacobs crossbody bag and a speedlight for my Canon. Still not sure that I was THAT good last year... :)
I got a Kindle Fire for my birthday/Christmas and LOVE it!!! So fun :)
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