It wasn't until the pizza delivery guy asked me what I used that I thought I would blog about it... because well, if the pizza guy thinks your home smells good ... you may want to share the secret!

My secret is simple, Mrs. Meyer's Room Fresheners. I was able to buy them around town in Walmart, TJ Maxx or HyVee but lately I haven't been able to find them. I love them so much that I placed a bulk order online and had them shipped. For the price of a small candle [$4.99] you can't go wrong!
You can use them the traditional way, or you can use them in a room air freshener system because they are pretty pure. I use the room fresheners in the Rainbow Rain Maker ... and it fills the room with the best smell. I use Lemon scent in my kitchen and bathrooms, Gardenia in the family room and living areas, and lavender in the bedrooms. Ahhh ...
Also, here's a little secret. If you are getting ready to have company over after work and you don't have time to run home and clean clean clean, just spray a bit of the lemon scent in the room and bathroom and it will smell like you have been cleaning ALL DAY LONG!
So there it is ... my "cleaning" tip for the week!

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