Why is it when your kids are sick they are still moving around, talking like normal, and when you have it you can't get out of bed, light and noise bothers you ... and you swear you are more sick than anyone else? hrmm?
Well, I have to say thank you to the hubs for taking care of us all weekend up. I wasn't able to get out of bed on Saturday, and finally around 12:30 am I got out of bed to get some water and Ryan was sitting in the family room with loads of laundry around him, all folded ready to be put away. It was an amazing sight. He let me sleep all day and night, took care of the kids, cleaned up and did the laundry ... love him. Thanks honey!
We are all feeling a bit better today, so I hope to get back to my daily blogging! Hope everyone has a healthy week!

1 comment:
Happy to hear y'all are feeling better. I had that stomach bug last weekend. Yuck! You've got a great hubby to have taken care of you and he did laundry!!! I'm so impressed!!!
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