Yep - We have a House Plan, We have a Lot and NOW, we get to start DESIGNING!
First on the list - The Brick. It seems like it wouldn't be a hard decision. I mean, how many different brick colors could really be out there?! Umm........ A #$%& ton .. that's how many.
I don't think I can even see straight. After staring at brick after brick, your eyes start playing tricks on you. And then all of a sudden, you think ALL brick is ugly. You start off completely excited and ready to make executive decisions, and then ... well, let me tell you. You start looking a writing down conservative options of houses you already like. Then you start trying to narrow colors down and during this process, you start hating everything you have picked out because they are all running together. You're driving and driving and driving, angry and indecisive.
I think part of the problem is that Ryan and I opted to forgo the optional stone upgrade, therefore, the entire house will be one brick color with nothing breaking up the overall look of the house. We did this for a couple of reasons. #1. Our thoughts were to save a little bit on the outside and put more money inside the house and 2. We really liked the way the house looked without it, unless we decided on a different elevation. But for this particular model, we thought it would look just fine.
So - because we have a house with no stone, we didn't want to just like the brick, we wanted to LOVE it. Make sense?
You know what will REALLY drive you crazy? When you find two houses who used the same brick color and they look completely different ... because there is that much variation. GREAT. Just when you thought you found "the one." At this point, we have selected a brick and are crossing our fingers that it comes out something like this ... yes we are very scientific!
[disclaimer: this is not our house, this is just the color of brick we have decided on.]
This color of brick is called Old Dominion by ACME. Although the house is different than what ours will look like [find our model here] the house is all brick like ours will be. The garage and front door will be in the same location as well.
I'll be posting a few key pointers for those who are getting ready to go down this road in the following days. If you do choose to go down this road ... I'll pray for you :)
I'll be posting a few key pointers for those who are getting ready to go down this road in the following days. If you do choose to go down this road ... I'll pray for you :)
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Thank you ffor sharing this
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