Bayler's Pre-Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Where did the years go?  Seriously, how is it that in 3 days, my Bear will be in school full time?  This just isn't fair!  Didn't we JUST bring him home?!  *sigh*
I know he is ready for Kindergarten but I completely soaked up this graduation ceremony.  The kids walked into the room with the Pomp and Circumstance song ... cue the waterworks!
Bayler has attended Fingerprints Christian Preschool, which is a faith-based facility where he was in the transitional kindergarten class.  I can not say enough great things about this place, we are so fortunate that there was ONE opening left when we moved here!  God had a plan for us!

Can't get enough of this sweet boy with his graduation cap and diploma!


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