Happy 1st Birthday Murphy

Sunday, August 30, 2015
It's MURPHY'S BIRTHDAY!  He is now 1 years old!  Our sweet, sweet Murphy the kindest, most gentle and loving dog I have ever had.  He is also the pickiest eater EVER, unaffected and unmotivated by food at all!  You could place a piece of bacon or steak on the ground and he would look at you like you have two heads.  He would literally just turn up his nose and walk away.  Therefore, unmotivated = no new tricks for this little doggie.  That's fine with us though, he just wants to love and be loved.  Who could ask for anything more than that!

Happy Birthday Murphy!

For those of you who knew our puppy Tank, this is also the day 1 year ago, the very day Murphy was born, that we had to put him down.  I miss him SO much.  He was my buddy, my protector and my survivor.  We decided to let the balloons go in memory of him.  Love you Tank!

I truly believe that there is a greater plan and some things are meant to be.  I never would have believed that the day we had to say goodbye to our beloved dog Tank, that a new life would be born, and would join our family?  Although we didn't get Murphy until November, I still believe there was something greater than us pulling us in the same direction.  It was fate.

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